Angels seen and unseen

An American businessman I know was returning to his hotel in a foreign city one night. Exiting his taxi, Paul (not his real name) was suddenly confronted by a menacing gang of some eight young toughs. They came at him out of the shadows brandishing metal pipes and knives. Looking for a quick escape, Paul glanced behind him and saw a dark giant looming over him. Suddenly the gang saw the same fearsome being! They panicked, dropped their weapons, and fled in terror!

Paul turned back to thank the stranger who had saved his life. But he saw no one there. A huge angel had miraculously appeared out of the dark to his rescue and then just as quickly vanished from sight. God had briefly revealed the angel’s powerful presence in order to scare away the bad guys.

Shaken but secure, Paul thanked God for his divine rescue. God was answering his prayers, and those of his family, for his protection.

When your enemies appear to be coming at you with overwhelming force, remember the Lord God Almighty is with you. Seen or unseen, Jesus is Lord of heaven’s armies. He is mighty to save. His giant warring angels are ready to rescue you. Be prayed up each day before you venture out. Take time to call on the Lord, and He will sustain you. Whatever your situation, He will never leave you nor forsake you.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High

Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress,

My God.  In Him I will trust.”

                                                      Psalm 91:1-2 (NKJV)

Seeing through eyes of faith

The Bible relates many dramatic stories of angels seen and unseen coming to the aid of God’s people. The prophet Elisha woke up one morning to find his city surrounded by an enemy army seeking to kill him (2 Kings 6:14-17) . His servant was in a panic. But not Elisha. He was a man of prayer, who lived close to God. Elisha saw through eyes of faith. He trusted in God’s protection.

“Do not fear, for more are those who are with us than those are with them.” Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, that he may see.” God lifted the veil to the spiritual realm, revealing a much larger force of angels, horses and chariots of fire appearing on the mountains above them. No physical battle was necessary. The angels threw the enemy army into such confusion that they went home peacefully and never again bothered Elisha or his people.

2020 visiontruth revealed

Looking around us in this new year 2020, we see dangers threatening us on many fronts. The evil forces against us, our families, our leaders, our nation and our God–can appear enormous. But as God’s precious children, we must look beyond what others see, beyond what the media are reporting. Looking through eyes of faith, we see our God is more than enough for every battle. We are victorious in Him. That is God’s truth.

We don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen.

For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.

                                                                2 Corinthians 4:18 (TPT)

We are never alone. God surrounds us with His glorious presence to strengthen and protect us. Jesus is Lord of heaven’s armies. He is mighty to save.

When you see yourself as small, weak and defenseless, the enemy will see you that way too. Time to put on your God-given lenses. See the situation accurately from God’s perspective. Remember Whose you are. You are not alone. You and God make up a mighty majority, which no enemy can withstand. Enemies of danger, violence, fear and doubt, sickness and lack, quake at the Name of Jesus.

Submit yourself to God and the evil one must flee, for we resist him in the Name of Jesus. Tell the enemy to go. See him flee in terror. He is so afraid of you.

Safe and secure

Put on your 2020 vision glasses. And see things clearly now. There is more going on here than we can see with our natural eyes. The Lord Jesus and His angels are everywhere protecting America, protecting God’s children. Together you and God are more than enough to win.

Share your own story of breakthrough…

Do you have a dramatic story of heavenly intervention in your own life? Have you experienced supernatural grace that rescued you from peril? Perhaps God healed you from an incurable disease. He warned you to miss a plane that later crashed. Or he chased a burglar out of your house. Whatever your story, we invite you to share it with our readers, to inspire others with 2020 vision and raise our expectations to see God’s glory in our own lives. Go to the Comment page to share your story. And thanks! We look forward to hearing from you.

2 thoughts on “Angels seen and unseen

  1. Lovely. This blesses my heart. I miss you and pray you and your family are well.

    Love, Kristy

    On Sat, Jan 18, 2020 at 7:30 PM Sounds like heaven wrote:

    > Patty Morris posted: ” An American businessman I know was returning to his > hotel in a foreign city one night. Exiting his taxi, Paul (not his real > name) was suddenly confronted by a menacing gang of some eight young > toughs. They came at him out of the shadows brandishing m” >


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